Coaches are important educational leaders in our schools, communities, and universities. The Sport and the Growing Good (SGG) podcast provides embedded, front-line insights on winning and positive development. The SGG podcast can be heard here and on all major podcast platforms.
Pat Connaughton is not only a popular player for the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks, but also the President of the With Us Foundation, which creates access to sports for all kids. A native of Arlington, MA, Pat went on to excel in both basketball and baseball at the University of Notre Dame. He was drafted by the Baltimore Orioles prior to his senior year of college, but ultimately chose to pursue his NBA dream. In this episode of the SGG podcast, we discussed:
1. “A lot of who I am stems from my parents” …who taught him… “don’t let something frustrate you, let it fuel you.”
2. Fidelity House and one of his early coaches, Tim Graham.
3. How his parents and coaches “challenged me in the right way.”
4. Why he started With Us in 2016.
5. The importance of actually being present at the camps and in developing relationships with the kids.
6. The impact that can be made through developing and re-developing everyday athletics facilities.
7. What influenced him to develop an “other-centered” focus: his parents and his university.
8. His mom saying “do your best” rather than always focusing on others. And his parents’ encouraging him to be well-rounded (including the dreaded piano lessons on Wednesdays at 2:30!).
9. Making efficient use of gap time during the season.
10. Developing a resourceful network of people to learn with and from.
11. Doing Zoom calls with kids to talk about life, developing good habits… and letting them know that “I was in your shoes at one time.”
12. “I want them to feel like they are a part of something. You’re not alone. You’re with us.”
13. Aspirations for the future, on and off the court.
14. Living and playing in Milwaukee, where the Bucks are building a “family-like culture.”
*Thanks to @Anthonym_art for the great drawing of Pat*