Coaches are important educational leaders in our schools, communities, and universities. The Sport and the Growing Good (SGG) podcast provides embedded, front-line insights on winning and positive development. The SGG podcast can be heard here and on all major podcast platforms.
Steve Jones is the head football coach at Kimberly High School in Wisconsin. He has won multiple championships as well as state and national coaching awards. Coach Jones also teaches leadership courses at the high school and is recognized as a dynamic speaker on leadership development. In this SGG episode, we discuss: To learn more, refer to Coach Jones’ Twitter feed; a brief article and video about the culture of Coach Jones’ program; a short article describing a couple of his keys to sustained success; and short article describing his team’s formula.
1. His family experiences growing up – especially learning from his brother with disabilities.
2. The impact that a fifth-grade teacher had on his life.
3. His daily habits: reading, taking care of his mind and body, early-day inspiration, making intentional contact with people who need him.
4. “Leading by ‘intentional’ wandering around.”
5. Servant leadership – what it is and how it takes shape on his team.
6. Why he doesn’t talk about winning, rather the “habits of winners.”
7. Kimberly’s camp for kids with special needs.
8. Centering love in the football program.
9. Planting seeds as a leader.
10. The unique positives offered by football.
11. The ultimate goal of the program.
12. Kimberly football’s mental skills program – focus on “being present.”
13. Getting players to find their “performance number.”
14. His struggle to enjoy the process.