Coaches are important educational leaders in our schools, communities, and universities. The Sport and the Growing Good (SGG) podcast provides embedded, front-line insights on winning and positive development. The SGG podcast can be heard here and on all major podcast platforms.
Marc Skelton is an author, teacher, and renowned head basketball coach at Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School in New York City. His teams have won championships and his students succeed beyond their time at the school. In this episode of the SGG podcast, Coach Skelton and I discuss:
1. Taking care of his students and players at the onset of the coronavirus outbreak in New York.
2. Overlaps in teaching and coaching.
3. Being authentic to “who I am” as a coach.
4. The New York Times article about his team.
5. His “Trojan Horse Theory” of basketball.
6. Players making transitions to their post-basketball lives.
7. The importance of self-care for coaches.
8. What he’s learning these days.
9. Watching Brad Stevens coach.