Coaches are important educational leaders in our schools, communities, and universities. The Sport and the Growing Good (SGG) podcast provides embedded, front-line insights on winning and positive development. The SGG podcast can be heard here and on all major podcast platforms.
LaMar “Soup” Campbell, a native of Chester, PA, is the director of player engagement for the Chicago Bears. He enjoyed a successful playing career with the Wisconsin Badgers and Detroit Lions before transitioning to a variety of leadership positions and front office settings. Soup completed his masters degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis Wisconsin and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. In this episode of the SGG podcast, we discussed:
1. Growing up in Chester, PA.
2. Transferring to Strath Haven and playing for Coach Clancy and Coach Jesson.
3. Looking up to LeRoy Burrell.
4. His mom hanging up the phone on Joe Paterno.
5. Repeatedly making successful transitions.
6. Barry Alvarez coming to his house to recruit him.
7. Valuing conversation and getting to know others.
8. Returning to Madison to get his undergraduate degree…and then moving on to masters and PhD programs.
9. Being smart about proximity and daily routines in developing trust.
10. Always keeping his door open.
11. Modeling the behaviors you seek from others.
12. Having meaningful conversations during the “in-between” time.
13. His daily “walk of the building.”
14. His experience in the Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis Departmentat the University of Wisconsin.